Andreas Reimer

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Research Interests
  • Cartography
  • Schematisation and Generalisation
  • Design Rules
  • Scale & Geographic Thought
  • Thematic Cartography & GeoViz
  • Label Placement
Offered Courses

SS 2015
Coordinator Introduction to GIS (Lab)

WS 2014/15
Cartography (Lecture and Lab)

SS 2014
Thematic Cartography (Seminar)
Coordinator Introduction to GIS (Lab)

WS 2013/14
Cartography (Lecture and Lab)
Coordinator Introduction to GIS (Lab)
GISc for Archeology and History (Seminar)

SS 2013
Thematic Cartography and Map Design (Seminar and Lab)

WS 2012/13
Coordinator Introduction to GIS (Lab)

See LSF for further information


Book Chapters

Touya, G and Reimer, A.(2014): Inferring the Scale of OpenStreetMap Features. In: J.J. Arsanjani, A. Zipf, P Mooney and M. Helbich (eds.), OpenStreetMap in GIScience: experiences, research, applications. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer.

Mackaness, W and Reimer, A.(2014): Generalisation in the Context of Schematised Maps. In: Burghardt, D., Duchêne, C., Mackaness, W. (eds), Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World: Methodologies and Applications of Map Generalisation. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer.


Reimer, A. (2015) Cartographic Modelling for Automated Map Generation, TU Eindhoven.


Reimer, A., van Goethem, A., Rylov, M. van Kreveld, Speckmann, B. (2015) A Formal Approach to the Automated Labelling of Groups of Features Cartography and Geographic Information Society. (accepted)

Rylov M., Reimer A. (2015) Pairwise Line Labeling of Geographic Boundaries: An Efficient and Practical AlgorithmCartographic Perspectives. (accepted) DOI:10.14714/CP0.1212

Goethem, A.; Reimer, A.; Speckmann, B.; Wood, J.(2014): Stenomaps: Shorthand for Shapes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Special issue IEEE InfoVis 2014. Early Access version.

Rylov, M and Reimer, A (2014): Improving Label Placement Quality by considering Basemap Detail with a Raster-Based Approach. GeoInformatica. DOI:10.1007/s10707-014-0214-6

Rylov, M and Reimer, A (2014): A Practical Algorithm for the External Annotation of Area Features. The Cartographic Journal (accepted).

Rylov, M and Reimer , A (2014): A Comprehensive Multi-Criteria Model for High Cartographic Quality Point-Feature Label Placement. Cartographica. The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 03/2014; 49(1):52-68. DOI:10.3138/carto.49.1.2137.

Goethem, A., Meulemans, W., Reimer, A., Haverkort, H., Speckmann, B. (2013): Topologically Safe Curved Schematization. The Cartographic Journal, 50,3, pp. 276-285.

Resch, B., Hillen, F., Reimer, A. and Spitzer, W. (2013): Towards 4D Cartography - Four-dimensional Dynamic Maps for Understanding Spatio-temporal Correlations in Lightning Events. The Cartographic Journal, 50, 3, pp. 266-275.

Reimer, A. (2010):Understanding Chorematic Diagrams: Towards a Taxonomy,The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 47 Nr. 4 pp. 330-350, 2010.

Conference and Workshop Papers

Reimer A., Kempf, C. (2014): Efficient derivation and caricature of urban settlement boundaries for 1:250k, 17th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Vienna, Austria, 23rd September 2014.

Reimer A., Neis P., Rylov M., Schellhorn S., Sagl G., Resch B., Porto J. and Zipf A. (2014): Erfahrungsbericht: Crisis Mapping zum Taifun Hayan , Proceedings Geoinformatik 2014.

Reimer, A. and Rylov, M.(2014): Point-feature lettering of high cartographic quality: A multi-criteria model with practical implementation. EuroCG 2014, Ein-Gedi, Israel, March 3-5, 2014.

Reimer, A.; Volk, C. : An approach for using cubic Bézier curves for schematizations of categorical maps, 15th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Istanbul, 2012.

Reimer, A; Dransch, D.: A process chain for the automatised construction of chorematic diagrams, International Cartographic Conference ICC 2011, Paris.

Reimer, A.: Squaring the Circle? Bivariate Colour maps and Jacques Bertin's concept of 'Disassociation' (Digital Proceedings), International Cartographic Conference ICC 2011, Paris.

Reimer, A; Meulemans, W.: ;Parallelity in Chorematic Territorial Outlines, Geographic Information on Demand: 14th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation jointly organised with ISPRS Commission II/2 Working group on Multiscale Representation of Spatial Data , Paris, 2011.

Reimer, A; Fohringer, J.: Towards constraint formulation for chorematic schematisation tasks, Geographic Information on Demand: 13th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Zurich, 2010.

Reimer, A.; Dransch D.: Information Aggregation: Automatized Construction of Chorematic Diagrams, Workshop GeoViz & The Digital City, 2009, March, Hamburg, Germany.

Beckstein, A., Reimer, A., Wittkopf, T., Schwedler, F., Tainz, P.: Real-Time Vehicle Movement and Dynamic Map Generation - An Approach Using Open Standards, International CODATA Symposium on Multimedia in Science and Technology, MIST 2005, Berlin.

Grey Literature, Popular Science, Posters & Talks

Arthur van Goethem, Herman Haverkort, Wouter Meulemans, Andreas Reimer, Bettina Speckmann en Jo Wood (2014): Automatische schematisering met gebogen lijnen. In: Geo-Info Special: kartografie. 2015 het internationale jaar van de kaart. Vol. 11 Nr. 2, p.10-13.

Reimer, A and Kempf, C. (2014) Strategi urban area carricature and aggregation project Sucap - final report incl. installation guide and documentation. Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.

Reimer, A (2013) “Dad, which zoom level corresponds to One Inch to Three Furlongs again?” - Implicit scale in the OSM dataset. Talk given at SotM 2013, Birmingham, 6th–8th September 2013.

Gündra, H.; Barron, C.; Henrichs, T.; Höfle, B.; Jäger, S.; Marx, S.; Peters, R.; Reimer, A.; Zipf, A. (2013) Standortkataster für Lärmschutzanlagen mit Ertragsprognose für potentielle Photovoltaik-Anwendungen sowie Wildbarrieren. Endbericht.

Höfle, B.; Marx, S.; Reimer, A.; Zipf, A. (2013) Anwenderhandbuch SolarTools.

Invited Participant Dagstuhl Seminar 13151 "Drawing Graphs and Maps with Curves" (report).

Invited Participant Dagstuhl Seminar 12261 "Putting Data on the Map" (report).

Reimer, A; Unger, A.; Meulemans, W.; Dransch, D.: Schematized Small Multiples for the Visual Comparison of Geospatial Data, Poster for InfoVis at VisWeek 2011, Providence, Rhode Island, Digital Proceedings.

Reimer, A.: Automatised construction of chorematic diagrams, Dagstuhl Seminar Schematization in Cartography, Visualization, and Computational Geometry, 14.11.-19.11.2010.

Maps for other publications (selection)

Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg, Bd 9/2 (2005) u. 8 (2007)

Militärgeschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Bildung (2005)

Luftschutz und Versorgungspolitik: Regionen und Gemeinden im NS-Staat, 1942-44/45, Brinkhus, J. (2010).

  • OpenFloodRiskMap
  • BarSolPot – Nationwide cadaster for the solar potential of photovoltaic systems on noise and wildlife barriers
  • SucaP – Strategi urban area aggregation and caricature project
Curriculum Vitae
  • 2015: PhD from the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the TU Eindhoven
  • 2012: Research Assistant, GIScience research group, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University
  • 2008-2012: German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Section 1.5 Geoinformatics; funded by METRIK research training group (DFG/HU Berlin)
  • 2002-2008: studied Human Geography and GIScience at Humboldt University Berlin and Cartography at Freie Universität Berlin.
  • 1999-2001: short term career military service (SaZ2)
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